Our Mission
Our mission to accelerate families.
Families are the cornerstone of society, and civilization. Accelerating families means inspiring the next generation of engineers, scientists, and astronauts. Our priority is to create and sell high quality products for your kids to reflect that.
And sometimes, we'll mix in products for you, the parents as well.
Short term, we plan on selling apparel, and goods for children.
Mid term, high quality organic food and supplements without GMO nonsense, seed oils, or anything that impacts your children's current and future health.
Long term, we plan on investing into children's education centres to improve math and science literacy, as well as engineering fundamentals, as well as investing into fertility clinics to help more families have children.
Grand goals, but we're excited to get there.
We appreciate your support, and look forward to having you join us on this mission.
Let's accelerate together.